
Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Devil's Prominade - Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma Border

Dating back to the time when Native Americans made their way westward through the Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma border area in the 1830s, there have been reports of a strange light that has been seen along a stretch of road.  This is a very unique occurrence in that it has been investigated by many, but still remains a mystery to this day.

The Devil's Promenade or Hornet Spook Lights
The Devil's Promenade or Hornet Spook Lights

It has been described by many as an orange glowing light or burning fireball the weaves wildly hovering just above four mile stretch of road which is today known as Spook Light Road or called by many, The Devil's Prominade. The light has also been spotted just off the road and in varying colors from orange, red, green, to blue.  Sometimes the lights also appear as a small group of glowing spheres.

The strange lights have been investigated by many professionals from scientists to the United States Army.  None have been able to classify the origin of the light and it's source remains unknown.

The light has been seen for over one hundred and fifty years and from three diffent states.  The Devil's Prominade is known by many different names:

The Devil's Prominade
Ozark Spook Light - named for the nearby Ozark Mountains
Joplin Spook Lights - Joplin, Missouri is about twelve miles north
Hornet Spook Lights - Hornet, Missouri is just a few miles away
The Hornet Lights - for the same reason above
The Tri-State Lights - as the lights appear just four miles south of the tri-state border although the physicall location that the light appears in is in the state of Oklahoma.

If you choose to explore and search for The Devil's Promenade, me mindful of private property and it totally surrounds the road.


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